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View Full Version : Maya hands open

15th July 2013, 18:44
Hi Guys, i have open maya, i want to make a weapon animation, but i need hands for it, i have looked for viewmodel_hands_cloth but its a model, and there must be .mb . how to open the hands from cod2?

15th July 2013, 19:36
I think this tool will help you: http://www.diegologic.net/diegologic/CoD_Tools/XmodelExporter.htm

EDIT: This is also a great help http://www.gamefront.com/files/service/thankyou?id=20850076
Especially what's in the viewsleeves.rar helped me a lot when porting animations.
But you should know that the viewsleeves from newer CoDs are different. So the CoD2 hands won't work with the CoD4 animations for example.

16th July 2013, 11:52
THANK YOU PETERLANKTON, and that about more vertiges, faces and triangles, i think you need to script your own .exe or other files, but you need not to make in your server that .exe as download.

Only hack your own exe or other file and the asset manager accept that xD