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View Full Version : Model is not solid

7th July 2013, 09:46
Hi Guys, my model is solid, i want it to solid.
My picture:

Its a model which will spawn per script, so how i can make it in asset manager settings to be solid?

I mean you can go in, i want to make it to not come in :D

Thank you

7th July 2013, 10:56
In Radiant, you have to surround the model with clip brushes. COD2 has lots of prefabs where this has already been done for you. Just look in map_source/prefabs for an idea how to copy what the developers did.

When dynamically spawning a model, you cannot make a script_model solid. The only way to work around the problem is to spawn a trigger_radius on the model, and set the contents to 1:

makesolid = spawn( "trigger_radius", model.origin, 0, 20, 20 );
makesolid setContents( 1 );

However, the drawback with this is it eats into your max number of spawned entities, and on maps which have lots of models and spawnpoints, you can crash a server with the "g_spawn: no free entities" error. So, don't overdo it. You can't fill the map with lots of trigger_radius just to make models solid.

kung foo man
7th July 2013, 12:58
You can make a script_brushmodel and hide/show and solid/notsolid it the same time your xmodel appears/disappears

7th July 2013, 13:35
Ahhh kung i have forget that, thank you

modelname solid();

7th July 2013, 13:51
Ahhh kung i have forget that, thank you

modelname solid();

No. solid/not solid does not work on a script_model. It only works on a brushmodel (clips).

7th July 2013, 16:06
here is a tutorial, how u make collmaps for cod2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQad1N5tfoU

ah I have not seen that you want to spawn the model
the only way i know is for small models, u make the origin of the model in the middle and set contents to 1