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View Full Version : Object has got too much vertiges

6th July 2013, 09:26
Hi Guys, an object has got too much vetiges and i must separating.
here two picture:


You see a big object..


Now you see there are mini details so get a error.

My error is: To many Vertiges: 7749 > 5450. Try separating the object into multiple objects.

I must now make it to half but idk how i can make it, so that the error didn't come anymore.
If i make the object to half, i must make new images?

Thank you for your help!

kung foo man
6th July 2013, 10:31

Object splitting starts around 4:30

I dont think you need to remake the materials, because the splitting shouldn't touch the UV-vertices.

6th July 2013, 11:05
Hmm it didnt work. If i disconnect the objects, then i need to make for the object himself a image. And that i cant make.

7th July 2013, 17:43
click on the biggest object go into edit mode > facemode if u press c u get a marker tool mark some faces and press strg+L
it auto mark the other conneted vertices continue this step until u got marked any complete part e.g. front grip (its very important to mark it on this way, otherwise the model can be destroyed with non -manifolds and so on) .Now press P and choose Selection. Ur done, model is seperated and materials are all ok nothing to do. :)

7th July 2013, 17:56
Thank you! I have disconnect some parts, but it have the same Material name how like the other part.
Now 2 questions:
Will the image break because that disconnecting?
Will it working now if i make it now to asset manager and no error will come although it still have the same material name? [Parts are disconnectecd but same material name]
If i must make a new material and image, i can't make it, i never learned it. I can only give the weapon one colour.

7th July 2013, 18:13
thats no problem if u disconnected on this way u shouldnt get any error with exporter or asset manager.if the asset manager still say its to much just seperate more if u use the exporter like lime its ok ,but u should never do this for high poly models u can fix the errors but if u spawn 5-6 of them ingame it can crash it.