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View Full Version : Problem instal echelon

4th July 2013, 14:26
Hey everyone,

I tried to instal echelon on my server for the first time.
I made al the settings and stuff how the readme said it, but when I go to the link where the index.php is, I get a Server error ''The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly''

The .php on this host works as you can see here :
(sorry, had wrong link first)

But my .php of echelon won't work.

Could someone help me?



kung foo man
4th July 2013, 14:30
Your link is just white for me

I made al the settings and stuff how the readme said it

Define exactly what you did already ;)

4th July 2013, 14:41
Well, what I did (these are the steps that are in the readme) are:

1. Extract this package into the root of your website! It will
create a directory called echelon and a dir called sql.

2. Create a MySQL database called echelon and a user (echelon)
with a password (echelonb3) that has access from localhost (if
your mysql is running on the same machine as your webserver) to
this database. (Don't forget to flush the privileges)

3. Execute the echelon.sql script inside the directory 'sql' on
the echelon database. This will create two tables and a few

4. Open 'Connections/inc_config.php' with your teksteditor and
make sure the username and password for the b3 database(s) are set
MultiDB support requires some handywork... editing inc_config.php
correctly is very important. This config supplies you with a sample
for 3 db's.

5. If your game has PunkBuster support, Echelon has the ability to
write to the pbbans.dat file for instant banning and unbanning of
clients. This info can be set per server in b3connect.php.

POINT 2.: Open wwwvalidate.php with notepad and modify this
connection so the username and pass match.

7. Point your browser to http://<yourwebsite>/echelon/index.php
(or whatever the installation path is) and log in with
'admin' and 'admin', change the password for this user, and have
a bunch of fun!

For a lot of people that link is white, but I get that error I sended...

kung foo man
4th July 2013, 15:15
The white-page-issue is chrome/firefox related: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13318565/php-configure-server-error-the-website-encountered-an-error-while-retrieving

Enable the error-printing first, so we know whats wrong till here

4th July 2013, 16:44
Well, I get a server error and not white page...
And I don't know where to put that lol
I'm not that skilled with that stuff ^^