View Full Version : Comapre script

24th June 2013, 17:03
Hello I need fast script (in Android) which returns missing/outdated files in phone directory. This is my code, but it's pretty slow :(.

public List<String> _GetMissingFiles()
int checked_files = 0;

List<String> _Local_Files = getLocalFiles(new File(Config._SDCARD_DIR), null);
List<String> _FTP_Files = getFTPfiles();
List<String> _Files_Need = new ArrayList<String>();

for(int i = 0; i < + _FTP_Files.size(); i++){

boolean found = false;
double progress = (Double.valueOf(checked_files) / Double.valueOf(_FTP_Files.size()));
String[] _FTP_File_st = strTok(_FTP_Files.get(i), ";");
String _FTP_File = _FTP_File_st[0];
Date _FTP_File_date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(_FTP_File_st[1]);

FTP_SyncThread.doProgress("^"+(_FTP_Files.size() - checked_files));
Log.d("FTP","checked: "+checked_files+ " max: "+_FTP_Files.size());

for(int x = 0; x < + _Local_Files.size(); x++){

String[] _Local_File_st = strTok(_Local_Files.get(x), ";");
String _Local_File = _Local_File_st[0];
Date _Local_File_date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(_Local_File_st[1]);

if(_FTP_File.equals(_Local_File)) //Found file, now check date
if(_FTP_File_date.compareTo(_Local_File_date) <= 0)
found = true;
//Log.i("FTP","[OK]: File Found: "+_FTP_File);

checked_files += 1;

//Log.w("FTP","[ERR]: File Not Found or outdated: "+_FTP_File);
catch (ParseException e) {
Log.e("FTP","Catch error: "+e.getMessage());

return _Files_Need;

It's like loop in loop, that's why it's slow :(. Any better ideas?

kung foo man
24th June 2013, 18:56
Since your lists can only hold strings, I guess you are retrieving the last modification time in each iteration? That would be slow (filesystem + remote ftp). Better to retrieve every date (local + ftp) and save it in an array with a structure for two fields (string name, date lastModification) and just compare those two arrays.

26th June 2013, 09:58
Thanks for fast reply.

I guess you are retrieving the last modification time in each iteration?

Nope, I'm getting all data here:

List<String> _Local_Files = getLocalFiles(new File(Config._SDCARD_DIR), null); //Getting array with Local Files in phone files names + files date eg. "/00/22.jpg;2012-04-13"
List<String> _FTP_Files = getFTPfiles(); //Array with FTP files names + files date eg. "/00/20.jpg;2012-06-13"
List<String> _Files_Need = new ArrayList<String>(); //new array

Better to retrieve every date (local + ftp) and save it in an array with a structure for two fields (string name, date lastModification) and just compare those two arrays.

Can you give me some example? I'm new in Java, so i can't understand everything. I'm already comparing two arrays: 1.Check if filename in array1 equals in array2 (same file), then file exist, else - [Add missing file]. 2.Compare date in array1 to array2, if date in local array is < (older) than date in ftp array - [Add missing file]
