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View Full Version : new weapon script

15th June 2013, 10:03
hello , how can i make :
if player has m1 garand on primary[a] script change m1 garand on mp44

15th June 2013, 10:12
weapon = "mp44_mp";
self giveWeapon(weapon, primary);

primaryb is the secoundary weapon

15th June 2013, 10:39
if(weapon, primary == "m1garand_mp");
weapon = "mp44_mp";
self giveWeapon(weapon, primary);
so ?

15th June 2013, 11:56
if(weapon, primary == "m1garand_mp");
weapon = "mp44_mp";
self giveWeapon(weapon, primary);
so ?

Nope. You have to put a weapon in either the "primary" or "primaryb" weapon slot, and then switch to the weapon:

if( self getWeaponSlotWeapon( "primary" ) == "m1garand_mp" )
weapon = "mp44_mp";

self TakeWeapon( "m1garand_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( weapon );
self setWeaponSlotWeapon( "primary", weapon );
self GiveMaxAmmo( weapon );
self switchToWeapon( weapon );