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View Full Version : weapon invisible

14th June 2013, 19:28
hello , i add new weapon on my mod .
if i choice barratt [scope mw4] my weapon is invisible , if i shoot i see weapon 1sec.

14th June 2013, 19:41
If i am right it might be because you have too many precached weapons in your mod

14th June 2013, 20:14
can i make a new script and precached weapon on this script ?

14th June 2013, 22:11
As EvoloZz said, there is a limit. It doesn't matter in which or how many script-files you precache them. You have reached the maximum and the only way to avoid that invisible weapons "bug" is to delete some weapons from your mod.

15th June 2013, 06:40
if it's not full, you have to precache that in _weapons.gsc (iw_07.iwd/maps/mp/gametypes/_weapons.gsc). You must write there: precacheItem("weapon_mp");
Just write it under the other precached weapons. If you get a error names bad command byte then your mod is too full. Or if it doesn't work, you have to delete some weapons, or try to change your server in 1.3, there you can make a lot of weapons :)

15th June 2013, 06:49
Loveboy thanks is the limit , but how can i add more weapons ?

15th June 2013, 07:58
If you have more weapons, you must add the weapons files (xmodel,xmodelparts,xmodelsurfs,weapons......) and do that in a .iwd file (zzz_example.iwd), with the _weapons.gsc you must precache it (precacheItem("weapon_mp"); and if you have all then you should can play with the weapons, if not then its the limit, delete some weapons OR change the server to version 1.3 (ask your hoster to change it for 1.3) then you can add very very much weapons and they should not bug (weapon invisible)