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1st May 2013, 18:59
Hi Guys,
1. Sorry for spam in killtube, for the many questions
and 2. i want only with one guid have acces to a weapon on weapon menu. my thing atm:

case "rsass_vip_mp":
if(self getGuid() == 1689738)
//self iprintln(&"MP_M1A1_CARBINE_IS_A_RESTRICTED");
response = "restricted";

you see response = "restricted"; and if(self getGuid() == 1689738), so it means, for this guid can't use the weapon on weapon menu, but i want with only this guid only acces to this weapon. If you understand me pls answer :P

Thank you!

kung foo man
1st May 2013, 19:23
case "rsass_vip_mp":
if(self getGuid() == 1689738)
//self iprintln(&"MP_M1A1_CARBINE_IS_A_RESTRICTED");
return response;

That should be enough and dont apologize for asking questions. ;P

1st May 2013, 21:07
Hi Guys,
1. Sorry for spam in killtube, for the many questions
and 2. i want only with one guid have acces to a weapon on weapon menu. my thing atm:

case "rsass_vip_mp":
if(self getGuid() == 1689738)
//self iprintln(&"MP_M1A1_CARBINE_IS_A_RESTRICTED");
response = "restricted";

you see response = "restricted"; and if(self getGuid() == 1689738), so it means, for this guid can't use the weapon on weapon menu, but i want with only this guid only acces to this weapon. If you understand me pls answer :P

Thank you!

If I understand you correctly, you want only the player with the GUID of 1689738 to be able to access the M1 Carbine. Correct? In that case this:

case "rsass_vip_mp":
if(self getGuid() != 1689738)
//self iprintln(&"MP_M1A1_CARBINE_IS_A_RESTRICTED");
response = "restricted";

It will return "restricted" for anyone who doesn't have the right GUID.