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View Full Version : I want learn how make script for system ranking CoD2 (that auto save)

28th March 2013, 16:38
Hi all

I would learn make script for COD2
Rank system ... auto save

if you could help me :)

Thx killtube.org|EnergY !!

28th March 2013, 16:42
I was just like you half year ago, but then kung got me to start with C/C++, so I recommend you to start learning normal scripting first, then move to harder tasks, because making a rank system that saves is not that easy, at least if you don't even know much about programming :)

28th March 2013, 17:06
I agree with EvoloZz but how start ?? :D

28th March 2013, 17:17
go to E:\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main, there is file named iw_07.iwd
open it and there you have the directories: maps\mp\gametypes open tdm.gsc for example and start learning young yedi :)
line by line it's the best method to learn or you can download eXtreme+ (http://forums.mycallofduty.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5993)/AWE (http://www.gamefront.com/files/13377069) mod there are many lines of code too.

28th March 2013, 17:30
Thank You Jeplaa i'll see your website :D

kung foo man
28th March 2013, 17:38
Hey EnergY, I made this video for absolute beginners:


You are learning in 10 minutes the absolute basics :)

If something is not working, its mostly rights-problems (need administator for every program).

28th March 2013, 18:25
WTF how you make !! HOW !! xD

you are big pro >.< remarkable
very nice !!

28th March 2013, 19:17
Absolute required (or at least handy)

In winrar, go to settings->integration.
add '.iwd' (without the ') to the custom integration line. iwds are now seen by the system as being zip/rar archives and you can unzip them all to one folder at the same time.