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View Full Version : Apache tells about not existing folder

20th March 2013, 10:51
I installed Xampp with apache2 + mysql on Windows 7 ultimate 64 Bit.
Now i added in the Vhost file:

<VirtualHost test.localhost:80>
DocumentRoot S:/website/work
#DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/
ServerName test.localhost:80
ServerAdmin admin@localhost
ErrorLog "logs/test.localhost-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/test.localhost.log" common
#<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/work">
<Directory “S:/website/work”>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride FileInfo
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

The problem is:
AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [S:/website/work] does not exist, but it does! I just copied that line.
Even if i add a link in the localhost folder, it doesnt redirects me too.
If i change the directory in the vhost config to C:/campp/htdocs/, it works perfect. I get same access like localhost.
I allready added the test.localhost to the windows host file, before i couldnt even access test.localhost.

I hope anyone knows whats wrong with it, normaly i should get access to it.


kung foo man
20th March 2013, 12:56
Maybe permission issue?

20th March 2013, 12:58
I dont know anything about it, but check this

20th March 2013, 13:38
I installed Xampp with apache2 + mysql on Windows 7 ultimate 64 Bit.

So, i´m not using windows.
And yes, i checked and it should work perfect. I also checked by setting the permission of a folder to only the system itself. Then apache tells about permissions, so its not a permissions prob.

20th March 2013, 13:54
My bad
"You could use the following command utility called junction from Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

junction c:\my_symlink "U:\networkpath\dir"

you could now set your DocumentRoot directive in as C:\my_symlink

restart Apache and that should work.

This however requires that you set have mapped the network drive correctly using net use command (perhaps with the peristence option)"

"i have found a solution, if i run apache from command line, it worked. but not from service."

20th March 2013, 13:58
My fault, i copied that stuff with Dir from a forum, to be sure i set it right.
<Directory “S:/website/work”> the "" are different > syntax error.
thx to kung, he found it.