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View Full Version : Spawn "box"

14th March 2013, 17:26

I make a script with spawn a box. When i run map cod2 have crash.

There is a script :


skrzynka = spawn("script_model", (2206.32, 411.609, 54.6547));
skrzynka.angles = (2.21806, 151.797, -7.6227);
skrzynka setmodel("xmodel/crate01");

while(distance(self,skrzynka)<100) if(self usebuttonpressed())
self iprintlnbold("TEST");


THX for help. Invictus

14th March 2013, 17:29
didn't tested but on first sight I see what is wrong.

self,skrzynka change to self.skrzynka

P.S. try to use developer-mode to tell what's wrong in future.

kung foo man
14th March 2013, 17:31
Also try to start the server with: +set developer 1

14th March 2013, 17:32
nah already edited my post :)

14th March 2013, 17:37
type undefined is not a vector :
while(distance(self.skrzynka)<100) if(self usebuttonpressed())

There is a problem. How to fix this?

14th March 2013, 17:43
You need to make a distance check between 2 points. And then check if its less than 100

kung foo man
14th March 2013, 17:49
distance(self.origin, skrzynka.origin)

14th March 2013, 18:18
while(distance(self,skrzynka)<100) if(self usebuttonpressed())
self iprintlnbold("TEST");

so many errors...

you MUST be sure that self is defined and a player first!, you call this upron gamestart (because you precahced the model there...) so there might be NO player -> self is NOT the player there!

but here is a corrected while-loop..

while( isDefined( self ) && isPlayer( self ) )
wait( 0.05 );

if( !self useButtonPressed() )
else if( distanceSquared( self.origin , blabla.origin ) > 100 * 100 )

self iPrintLnBold( "TEST" );