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View Full Version : EU wants to BAN Porn

kung foo man
10th March 2013, 09:21
EU wants to permit porn in: Press, Broadcasting (Radio/TV i guess) and THE INTERNET!

Soon, only this will be allowed:



I dont even know what they mean with Porn in TV e.g.... there is no porn, besides Sky-TV e.g. They mean erotics? No skin allowed like in Islam-states? Thats ridiculous!

10th March 2013, 09:25
This will never happen. And else everybody is going to download and save it on their pc. People are going to share it with each other (maybe like piratebay) and people can still watch

kung foo man
10th March 2013, 09:55
Yea, the Internet is not easy controllable but TV/Press is!

10th March 2013, 11:06
I don't understand the topic heading. You say they want to PERMIT porn, when you talk as if they want to BAN porn. Which is it?

10th March 2013, 14:25
They want to BAN porn

kung foo man
10th March 2013, 14:54
Sorry, edited title.

10th March 2013, 22:14
Porn is impossible to get rid of, It's everywhere.

kung foo man
11th March 2013, 10:41
TV/Press will stop broadcasting erotic/porn they day its forbidden. Otherwise they would be sued.

11th March 2013, 11:16
Yeah but the Internet is a completely different story.

11th March 2013, 11:37
TV/Press will stop broadcasting erotic/porn they day its forbidden. Otherwise they would be sued.
Who the hell is watching porn on tv?:P

kung foo man
11th March 2013, 13:33
Well, its not porn in the sense we understand it (Hardcore) Quote: "increasingly noticeable tendency...to show provocatively dressed women, in sexual poses,"

Here are the specs: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A7-2012-0401+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN#title2

What have many Music Videos in common? They are sexy... in future they are like.... frigid?!

So why they even want the law?

Z. whereas in 2010 women still earned an average of approximately 16, 4 % less than men for the same jobs in the EU, and whereas the pay gap varies within Member States, exceeding an average of 22% in some of them in 2011; whereas, although there are many complex reasons for this salary gap, it is often the result of gender stereotypes and women being seen solely in terms of the traditional role distribution;

Our folks in europe are already dying and the more womans are pushed into work, the less childs they will have again.

The feminism is rotting our folks. We would do best to return to the traditional family models (like in christian communities still alive).

People over 65:


Europe is not doomed yet. But the feminism must be disposed.

kung foo man
13th March 2013, 06:06
European Union blocked it. Thanks!

3rd April 2015, 00:50
lool X__x i'm admin in **removed url** and i never hear stuff like that... this is ridiculous,so i livein a muslim country and i wanna tell this suck's...but if will be same in europe i think i kill my self XX...no porn no drugs wtf we will be like zm"zombot" xd live just to live fck this...but they can't stop the internet :D not soo easy ;)

4th April 2015, 02:34
xd PM me :D

4th April 2015, 09:27
I'm closing this thread because it seems we have a new spammer here.
