View Full Version : Idea for jump mod

kung foo man
9th March 2013, 09:54
Hey all,

there are always kinda easy jumps, and a few, which need training. The problem is, they are all widespread over the maps.

How about:
- !savepos, which is saving the position in a hard-to-jump table,
- !loadpos 12, to load the 12th hard jump (if there is also that id)
- !delpos 12, to delete the 12th hard jump
- !deleteAll

and thats it! Of course !loadpos needs to remove the ability to make a record, since its just for training.

I hope some izno is adding that and some ppl might have better ideas :D

9th March 2013, 10:40
Yep, I think it's a great idea, useful, and probably not too difficult to implement. (as separated B3-plugin for example)

These commands would be available for each player ?
I'm not sure "how to-do" !loadpos to not be able using it when making a records.

9th March 2013, 11:17
If you need that much training, just ask me to give you noclip on the server. It's easier and allows you to simply skip to a certain jump. It is patched so you cannot make records when using it.

kung foo man
9th March 2013, 11:33
@Jeplaa I've extra made this, so we dont need to mess with B3: [Extension] Player Command Control (includes CHAT-Control for Builtin-B3!) :D

Yep, thought for every player.

The "how to-do" is mod-specific of course, just set something like player.cheated = true and check that in finish-checkpoint.

@IzNoGod Yea, thought about !noclip, but thats kinda slow. Though i dont want to bug you to do anything you dont want.