View Full Version : [Extension] Player Command Control (includes CHAT-Control for Builtin-B3!)

kung foo man
20th February 2013, 09:56
Hey all! I'm happy to announce a new feature!

I've added a new callback into CoDScript, which is called: CodeCallback_PlayerCommand(args)

What does it do?

Lets say somebody wrote in Chat: hello
args[0] = "say"
args[1] = "hello"
(are you already dreaming about your own builtin-BigBrotherBot? :D)

Since its not only about chat-messages, you can catch ALL other client commands, like "mr", for menuresponses. Or even console-commands sent by client!

Type in console: /lol a command
args[0] = "lol"
args[1] = "a"
args[2] = "command"
(the command is ONLY forwarded to server, if the client couldn't execute it!)

To get a feeling of all the messages a server is arriving, just uncomment this in the callback:

//printf("PLAYER COMMAND! message=\"%\"\n", output);
//self iprintlnbold("you wrote: " + output);

Many new possibilities :)

The first functions are the normal ones, just look at the last:

// Callback Setup
// This script provides the hooks from code into script for the gametype callback functions.

//================================================== ===========================
// Code Callback functions

Called by code after the level's main script function has run.
// If the gametype has not beed started, run the startup
if(!isDefined(level.gametypestarted) || !level.gametypestarted)

level.gametypestarted = true; // so we know that the gametype has been started up

Called when a player begins connecting to the server.
Called again for every map change or tournement restart.

Return undefined if the client should be allowed, otherwise return
a string with the reason for denial.

Otherwise, the client will be sent the current gamestate
and will eventually get to ClientBegin.

firstTime will be qtrue the very first time a client connects
to the server machine, but qfalse on map changes and tournement
self endon("disconnect");

Called when a player drops from the server.
Will not be called between levels.
self is the player that is disconnecting.
self notify("disconnect");

Called when a player has taken damage.
self is the player that took damage.
CodeCallback_PlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset)
self endon("disconnect");
[[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset);

Called when a player has been killed.
self is the player that was killed.
CodeCallback_PlayerKilled(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset, deathAnimDuration)
self endon("disconnect");
[[level.callbackPlayerKilled]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset, deathAnimDuration);

//================================================== ===========================

Setup any misc callbacks stuff like defines and default callbacks

// Set defined for damage flags used in the playerDamage callback
level.iDFLAGS_RADIUS = 1;
level.iDFLAGS_NO_ARMOR = 2;
level.iDFLAGS_PASSTHRU = 32;

Called from the gametype script to store off the default callback functions.
This allows the callbacks to be overridden by level script, but not lost.
level.default_CallbackStartGameType = level.callbackStartGameType;
level.default_CallbackPlayerConnect = level.callbackPlayerConnect;
level.default_CallbackPlayerDisconnect = level.callbackPlayerDisconnect;
level.default_CallbackPlayerDamage = level.callbackPlayerDamage;
level.default_CallbackPlayerKilled = level.callbackPlayerKilled;

Called when a gametype is not supported.
println("Aborting level - gametype is not supported");

level.callbackStartGameType = ::callbackVoid;
level.callbackPlayerConnect = ::callbackVoid;
level.callbackPlayerDisconnect = ::callbackVoid;
level.callbackPlayerDamage = ::callbackVoid;
level.callbackPlayerKilled = ::callbackVoid;

setcvar("g_gametype", "dm");



if (isDefined(args[1])) { // engine is adding identifier infront of the chat message
if (getAscii(args[1][0]) >= 20 && getAscii(args[1][0]) <= 22) {
//std\io::print("delete bad ascii code: " + std\utils::getAscii(args[1][0]) + "\n");
args[1] = getSubStr(args[1], 1);
newArgs = strTok(args[1], " ");
for (i=0; i<newArgs.size; i++)
args[1+i] = newArgs[i];
return args;
output = "";
for (i=0; i<args.size; i++)
output += args[i] + ", ";

//std\io::print("PLAYER COMMAND! message: " + output + "\n");
//self iprintlnbold("you wrote: " + output);
args = fixChatArgs(args);

if (args[0] == "say" && isDefined(args[1]) && args[1][0] == "!")
switch (getSubStr(args[1], 1))
case "login":
self iprintlnbold("^1** ^7SECRETLY LOGGED IN DUDE ^1**");
if (args[0] == "say" && tolower(self.name) == "iznogod" )
output = "";
for (i=1; i<args.size; i++)
changed = false;
if (args[i] == "kung")
args[i] = "iznogod";
changed = true;
if (!changed && args[i] == "iznogod")
args[i] = "kung";

output += args[i] + " ";

self sayall(output + "xD");

self ClientCommand();

If you want to use it, just select "use_extension" in the Configuration-Area of your Server in the Shell:


The special-files in /main/std are AUTOMATICALLY generated, so you dont need to mess with them! So you only need to create fs_game\maps\mp\gametypes\_callbacksetup.gsc and you are ready to go. :)

Happy modding :)

20th February 2013, 10:22
Great work as always bro, keep it up :)

20th February 2013, 10:38
No more third-party software ? :)
!Great job

20th February 2013, 12:42
Looks very nice, excited to see more features offered by your webshell :D

kung foo man
22nd February 2013, 07:19
If anybody needs help to use it: just ask and I will add it to your server :)

kung foo man
27th February 2013, 13:43
The "player spawn(origin, angle)"-function is crashing the server when used in CodeCallback_PlayerCommand(args).

To prevent the Segmentation Fault, just write:

// all other code...
// all other code...
// all other code...


wait 0.05;
// all other code...
// all other code...
// all other code...

Attention: Only call wait 0.05; or waittillframeend; when you really need to call the spawn-function! Because the arguments are saved in ONE global structure and when 2 players in a server write something near in the same time, the ClientCommand()-function is mixing up the data otherwise.

5th March 2013, 19:44
It seems to me that the spawnplayer is a special function and is the only one that requires the special attention of waittillframeend or wait 0.05. All other functions should be fine.

kung foo man
9th May 2013, 01:27
The extension-scripts on killtube.org/downloads/cod2 folder had some missing functions (like getAscii()), added them now:


(Thanks to Mitch, he told me. utils.gsc (http://killtube.org/downloads/cod2/exampleserver/main/std/utils.gsc))

kung foo man
18th November 2013, 15:33
As IzNoGod figured out, CoD2 can handle a lot of requests, but you need:

function disableFloodProtection(seconds)
setCvar("sv_floodProtect", "0");
wait seconds;
setCvar("sv_floodProtect", "1");

thread disableFloodProtection(10); // 10 seconds of mass data incoming