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View Full Version : [Tutorial] Making a TimeBomb with Trigger

19th February 2013, 17:47
Hey :D

I'm going to show (for those who don't know) how to make a bomb, so when you press F it appears and after a few seconds it explodes. The tutorial is step-by-step, so don't worry, you will understand it easily.

First, open Radiant and make a wall, like this:


After doing that, make a copy of that wall and select one of them, do right click on the 2d view and select script->brushmodel. Give the wall these values:


Move the wall you asigned these values out of the other one, so you won't confuse, and after that, select the other wall and "destroy" it:


(Note: to make decals, make a brush, give the texture nodraw_decal, inside Tools, select one face of the brush and give it a decal).

Once done that, select all of the destroyed wall, including the decals and details you put, and give them these values:


Ok you made it, now put the first wall (before) exactly over the one you've done now. We're gonna put the bomb. Do right click on the 2d view, script->model. Search for the bomb model (military_tntbomb). If you don't know how to put models, there's a topic inside this forum). Put the bomb wherever you want, press N and give it these values:


Now make a trig_use_touch over the bomb and give it these values:


Make a script_origin in the bomb, like this, and give the following values (this will set the origin of the explosion and the sound):


And the mapping part is done!

Now let's script. You will need to script a gsc.

For the gsc:


thread precachefx();
thread bomb();


//loads the given effect so you
//can use this effect anywhere in you script
//without needing to be loaded again
level._effect["explosion"] = loadfx("fx/props/barrelexp.efx");

//first we define the variables

before = getent("wallbefore","targetname");
after = getent("wallafter","targetname");
bomb = getent("bomb","targetname");
trig_bomb = getent("trig_bomb","targetname");
origin = getent("origin_bomb","targetname");


//hide the bomb and the wall at first

bomb hide();
after hide();
after notsolid();

//someone puts the bomb

trig_bomb waittill("trigger",user);
bomb show();
user iprintlnbold("Bomb Planted");
user iprintlnbold("Will explode in a few seconds");
origin playsound("MP_bomb_plant");
origin playloopsound("bomb_tick");

//the bomb is shown and starts
//to play a tictac


//wait 5 seconds until the bomb

origin stoploopsound();
earthquake( 0.5, 3, origin.origin, 900 );
radiusDamage(origin.origin, 250, 300, 20);
origin playsound("mortar_explosion3");

//do an earthquake, radius damage
//and plays the sound and the effect
//for more info about radiusdmg
//and the earthquake
//see the docs section

before delete();
trig_bomb delete();
bomb delete();
after show();
after solid();

//the old wall, the trig
//and the bomb delete
//and the destroyed wall
//is shown


//so the loop wont repeat again
//if you want another bomb in the
//same place, just put a wait

And the bomb is done! You could do it other ways, but this one is more easy. For more info about radiusdamage and earthquake, go to CoD2/Docs/Script Functions and look for it

Maybe I've comit mistakes, because I made this tutorial very fast, 1 hour lol, and not in my computer (still in the cyber) so if there is, I hope you understand it ;)


kung foo man
20th February 2013, 01:26
Hey, nice tutorial :)

I've replaced [code] with [php], so the script is colored now.

Also replaced the external images, since they are important and shouldnt be deleted for whatever-reason. Please use next time the attachment-system directly :)