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View Full Version : How to add xmodel to a map?

13th February 2013, 15:10
Hello again, i want to know how can i add a xmodel to a map, i do know how to add, but i dont know where are the models. i have seen some tutorials, but they always have "raw" or "xmodel" folder in their cod2 place, hopefully somebody could help where i could find such or make one. Thanks.

13th February 2013, 15:22
For all I know, you need to copy the xmodel folder from iw_13.iwd to the main folder.
Then run the radiant and rightclick on the 2dgrid, select the xmodel option and browse to that xmodel folder.

13th February 2013, 15:23
Yeah i know how to add them, but didnt know where they are, but thanks killler :D

13th February 2013, 15:24
I'll help as much as I can.!

13th February 2013, 15:27
Well after adding xmodel, a red box appeared and in the log window it said failed.

kung foo man
13th February 2013, 15:30
I've just extracted every .iwd into the same folder, so i can see/search everything fast.

Here you can also see images of every xmodel: http://www.zeroy.com/gallery3/

13th February 2013, 15:31
I don't get it, can you show a screenshot or something.?

13th February 2013, 15:32
Nvm anymore, there was wrong folder structure, fixed it

13th February 2013, 15:42
here :D I made it for anyone else having trouble with it (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1176-MAPPING-How-to-add-Xmodel-in-CoD2Radiant)

13th February 2013, 17:41
I've just extracted every .iwd into the same folder, so i can see/search everything fast.

Here you can also see images of every xmodel: http://www.zeroy.com/gallery3/

Why are you linking to a gallery of xmodels from COD4?

13th February 2013, 17:52
Well i think everybody here knows that gallery for cod2 is /gallery4/ so i dont think anyone will do anything wrong.

13th February 2013, 19:24
To add a Xmodel in your map: go to: main/iw_13.iwd and you will find the folder xmodel. Copy it and put in main. So you need add image/material, it's already installed. If you make yourself a xmodel or get it from another guys, then you must take xmodel, xmodelparts, xmodelsurfs, materials and image and put in main / your mod. If you go on Radiant then do this: Mouse right click -> misc -> model. Then open your model, where you have put it.

13th February 2013, 19:38
Loveboy, are you fucking kidding me?

kung foo man
13th February 2013, 19:51
Why are you linking to a gallery of xmodels from COD4?

Ups, took the first URL Firefox had completed.

Thats the CoD2-Version: http://www.zeroy.com/gallery4/

14th February 2013, 05:39
Loveboy, are you fucking kidding me?
He is right evo, you'll need to take all those folders for iwd file but for Radiant you just need xmodel folder.

14th February 2013, 12:37
Yeah but i knew that already and because you told me, why the hell did he post it then? Useless information when i know it already -_-

kung foo man
14th February 2013, 13:51
Its still nice information for other ppl ;D

16th February 2013, 10:42
My way to put xmodels:

-Extract all of your xmodels from iw_13.iwd to a folder called "xmodel" in main

-Right click in 2dview, misc, model

-In the pop window, select the xmodel you want. If you don't know what xmodel are you looking for, I advise you to download the cod2 modelshots. There aren't shots for every xmodel, but there are shots for a lot of them. Here is the link, if you want to download it.


Once you've got your model, place it wherever you want :D

Another way to put xmodels:

-Open iw_13.iwd
-Search for the model
-Copy its name
-Close the pop window
-Key: model Value: xmodel/yourxmodelname

If you see a Red box instead the model, there is a way to fix it:

View -> Entities as -> Wireframe

And you see it :D (If not, you put the xmodel name the wrong way).

EDIT: I am not fucking kidding anyone xD

16th February 2013, 11:35
Sooooooo long :D Just do the easy way dude :D