View Full Version : How i script some Killstrikes

11th February 2013, 18:17
HELLO Guys ! :D

HowI >Script<Some killstrikes ??

11th February 2013, 18:24
What kind of killstreaks do you want? For example to track killstreak and reset it on every death, use something like this:
find callback_playerconnect and defined that self.streak = 0;
then in callback_playerkilled find attacker.score++; and under it add attacker.streak = 0; and attacker streak();
then in spawnPlayer(); add self.streak = 0;
then add somewhere

if(self.streak == 3)
self iprintlnbold("3 Killstreak!");

if(self.streak == 5)
self iprintlnbold("5 Killstreak!");
And then add whatever rewards you want for every killstreak

11th February 2013, 18:26
What kind of killstreaks do you want? For example to track killstreak and reset it on every death, use something like this:
find callback_playerconnect and defined that self.streak = 0;
then in callback_playerkilled find attacker.score++; and under it add attacker.streak = 0; and attacker streak();
then in spawnPlayer(); add self.streak = 0;
then add somewhere

if(self.streak == 3)
self iprintlnbold("3 Killstreak!");

if(self.streak == 5)
self iprintlnbold("5 Killstreak!");
And then add whatever rewards you want for every killstreak

I Dont understand but i wont nades can u give me the script?

11th February 2013, 18:38
Then under the killstreak you want add, self GiveWeapon("frag_grenade_american_mp");

self iprintlnbold("5 Killstreak");
self GiveWeapon("frag_grenade_american_mp");

11th February 2013, 18:55
Here I wrote how to implement killstreak: LINK (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?950-Killstreak)