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8th February 2013, 14:34
hey guys,
I've been wondering,is there a way that in teamdeathmatch there are 4 teams like normally there are 2 teams in tdm but can it go 4 teams?
looking for helpful answer

8th February 2013, 15:09
You would need to do a lot of hackery, for example to make all teams show on compass to only their friends. It is doable, but kinda hard.

Also the scoreboard would be totally messed up.

kung foo man
8th February 2013, 15:12
Scoreboard: Peter Lankton made a custom scoreboard for surf server, which could be used to display 4 times from left to right.

Spawns: Reuse current tdm-spawns

Well, here and there some code needs to be fitted, but in general i dont see a big problem.

8th February 2013, 16:08
Thanks for the answer...
I'll try to make one by messing up in cod2 for sometime :D
wish me luck :D

8th February 2013, 16:17
I did Quad-Team Deathmatch for AWE UO Extreme and ported it over to COD2. But I never released it (it was supposed to go into the eXtreme+ mod) and now I don't have the files any longer. But to answer the question: yes, it is doable. I based mine on MC Hammer's 4XTDM, which you can download here:


If you want to give it a bash, it isn't too difficult, so just post any questions you have and I'll help as much as I can.