View Full Version : Carepackage

31st January 2013, 13:59
Hello guys, somebody got for me a carepackage on cod2, but pls only carepackage without anything in mod :)

31st January 2013, 14:08
If you dont know how to take it from other mod, then how are you going to put it into your mod?

31st January 2013, 15:35
I don't know how to take scripts only for 1 function, in a mod are 100 functions, and i don't know what i must take out. So and if i have the things, i will add them in my mod. If there is a script how like this: _weapons.gsc in there is "precacheItem("carepackage_mp");", then i will copie thread do this in my mod, which have already a _weapons.gsc.

31st January 2013, 16:58
Every idiot can learn programming, only need to want it. There are two ways to make mods:
-the simplest: steal from others, but then you're - excuse me - staying stupid
-or work hard and learn make your own mod

I choosed the second way at 2 years ago, and now i dont depend on others.