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26th December 2012, 20:46
Hello Guys, i need help!
I want to move a xmodel, but the problem is i can't create an entry (script brushmodel) with a xmodel.
Do you maybe know how can i make move the xmodel?

26th December 2012, 20:50
Try doing: RightClick to bring up the menu--->script--->model and go from there.

26th December 2012, 20:54
Thank you. If i press n: targetname raygun and i add in script: raygun movez(8,1); it will move with RightClick to bring up the menu--->script--->model?

kung foo man
26th December 2012, 23:40
If you want to move a script_brushmodel and a xmodel, you need to link the xmodel to the brushmodel per script, because they are two separate entities.

27th December 2012, 07:37
ok, you know maybe the script?

kung foo man
27th December 2012, 14:12
It should be only:

theModel = getEnt("theModel", "targetname");
theBrush = getEnt("theBrush", "targetname");

theModel linkTo(theBrush);

30th December 2012, 17:24
sry kung

i have this not understand
theModel = getEnt("theModel", "targetname");
theBrush = getEnt("theBrush", "targetname");

theModel linkTo(theBrush);

31st December 2012, 07:54
You have a scriptmodel with a name and a xmodel with a name. Replace TheModel with xmodel name and theBrush with scriptmodel name. Then this script links the scriptmodel to the xmodel and you can move the scriptmodel with a script.

31st December 2012, 15:30
Not need to write "enablelinkto();" ?

1st January 2013, 14:17
Thats COD4 only i thought

1st January 2013, 20:38
//ingame the only diff. between a misc_model and a misc_brushmodel is their classname
//but you can handle them as the same 'model'
//just gather all the party of your object and move them at the same time in the same way
level thread move_brushmodel();
level thread move_brushmodels();
level thread move_xmodel();
level thread move_xmodels();
level thread move_xmodel_and_brushmodel_1();
level thread move_xmodel_and_brushmodel_2();
level thread move_trigger();
level thread link_trigger_and_move();

/* gather a brushmodel and move it */
brushmodel = getEnt( "brushmodelname" , "targetname" );

if( isDefined( brushmodel ) ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
brushmodel thread moveMe();

/* gather an array of misc_brushmodels with the same 'targetname' and move them */
brushmodel_array = getEntArray( "brushmodelname" , "targetname" );

if( isDefined( brushmodel_array ) && brushmodel_array.size > 0 ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
for( index = 0 ; index < brushmodel_array.size ; index++ )
brushmodel = brushmodel_array[index];

if( isDefined( brushmodel ) ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
brushmodel thread moveMe();
/* see there is no difference between a misc_model and a misc_brushmodel */
/* gather a misc_model and move it */
xmodel = getEnt( "xmodelname" , "targetname" );

if( isDefined( xmodel ) ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
xmodel thread moveMe();

/* gather an array of misc_models with the same 'targetname' and move them */
xmodel_array = getEntArray( "xmodelname" , "targetname" );

if( isDefined( xmodel_array ) && xmodel_array.size > 0 ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
for( index = 0 ; index < xmodel_array.size ; index++ )
xmodel = xmodel_array[index];

if( isDefined( xmodel ) ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
xmodel thread moveMe();
/* move your object made out of 1 misc_brushmodel and 1 misc_model */
xmodel = getEnt( "xmodelname" , "targetname" );
brushmodel = getEnt( "brushmodelname" , "targetname" );

if( isDefined( xmodel ) ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
xmodel thread moveMe();

if( isDefined( brushmodel ) ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
brushmodel thread moveMe();

/* move your object made out of misc_brushmodels and misc_models */
entity_array = getEntArray( "entity_name" , "targetname" );

if( isDefined( entity_array ) && entity_array.size > 0 ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
for( index = 0 ; index < entity_array.size ; index++ )
entity = entity_array[index];

if( isDefined( entity ) ) //if there is nothing to move, skip
entity thread moveMe();

/* since you can only move script_origins, script_models, and script_brushmodels, you have to link your trigger to one of them before it will move!
or you will get an error like the following:
'entity 123 is not a script_brushmodel, script_model, or script_origin: (file 'serthy/_test.gsc', line 217) >> self movez( 1000.0 , 5.0 , 5.0 );'

trigger = getEnt( "triggername" , "targetname" );
linker = getEnt( "linkername" , "targetname" );

if( !isDefined( trigger ) ) //if there is nothing to move, skip

if( !isDefined( linker ) )//spawn a helper to move the trigger if there is none
linker = spawn( "script_origin" , trigger.origin );

trigger enableLinkTo();
trigger linkTo( linker );
linker thread moveMe();

if( !isDefined( self ) ) //if there is nothing to move, skip

self moveTo( self.origin + ( 0 , 0 , 1000 ) , 10.0 , 5.0 , 2.0 ); //move 1000 in Z direction

this is how I move my triggers, i implemented this in my _utility.gsc, you can do it for rotating etc. as well

moveTriggerTo( point , time , acceleration*_time , deceleration_time )
if( !isDefined( self ) )

if( !isDefined( self.linkObject ) )
self.linkObject = spawn( "script_origin" , self.origin );

if( !isDefined( self.enableLinkTo ) )
self enableLinkTo();
self.enableLinkTo = true;

self linkTo( self.linkObject );

self moveTo( point , time , acceleration*_time , deceleration_time );

trigger enableLinkTo(); is only required by triggers, you don't need to call it on other entities