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View Full Version : Background music

16th December 2012, 11:02
Hello, I have little problems with background music for my mod, I want to insert few nice fresh songs in the server, 1. When players joins and spawns. 2. As a background music the whole map. 3 At the end of the map when in scoreboard. But I have no idea how it would work, I have searched everywhere. Is it possible to insert the songs into the mod, not in the map? I only know that it is something like
sound playsound("mysound"); or
soundEnt playsound( "mysound" );I am not 100% sure about that, I just saw these lines somewhere.
Somebody please help. Thanks!

16th December 2012, 12:15
Look in the "Sound" thing
Although it's for cod4, most of these work also in cod2

16th December 2012, 12:28
Look in the "Sound" thing
Although it's for cod4, most of these work also in cod2

Its not in english, so its a bit hard to understand anything from it :P

16th December 2012, 12:44
This is in english:

1. Unfortunately I forgot how the sound thingy works, but according to the script index you should try this one:

player PlaySoundToPlayer( "mysound", player );
not sure if this is only for cod4, but you should try it, though.
If not, simply find it out searching through the functions in the script index.

2. If you want to play a sound to every player at the end of the map I propose using the ambient:

AmbientStop( 2 );
AmbientPlay( "mysound2" );

Atleast that seems to be the most simple solution.

24th December 2012, 18:44
Actually there is one for CoD2, many people just dont know about it because its hidden in your cod2 folder :P
C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 2\Docs\CoD2_Tools_Documentation.htm
Then click on Script Commands Documentation
Its exactly same, but it has only cod2 stuff