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View Full Version : Making a working door

27th November 2012, 10:03
hi im trying to make a door that opens when you use a trigger_use

it works just fine but the button only opens it once?

i want the door to open and close after 4 secs

then after 10 seconds you can push button again to open door again

can someone help? thanks :)

button = getEnt("button", "targetname");
door = getEnt("door", "targetname");
button waittill("trigger", player);

angle = 90; // 4 times = one full round
seconds = 1;

for (i=0; i<1; i++)
door rotateYaw(angle, seconds);
door waittill("rotatedone");
wait 4;
angle = -90;
seconds = 1;
door rotateYaw(angle, seconds);
door waittill("rotatedone");
wait 0.5;

28th November 2012, 15:11
You'll need a while(true) loop to make it work.
Also: If you use getEnt() you won't need a for( ; ; ) loop, since there's only one entity.
Like this:

button = getEnt("button", "targetname");
door = getEnt("door", "targetname");

angle = 90; // 4 times = one full round
seconds = 1;

button waittill("trigger");
door rotateYaw(angle, seconds);
door waittill("rotatedone");
wait 4;
door rotateYaw(angle*-1, seconds);
door waittill("rotatedone");
wait 10; //wait 10 seconds before next use

Some more pieces of information:

button waittill("trigger", player);

If the player is not needed in the script, so if you do not care who the player is who opened the door you can simply leave the player variable. Like this:

button waittill("trigger");

I did not test the function so please be aware of that. But it does look kinda correct to me.
Good luck with what ever you're doing :)

29th November 2012, 06:53
Thanks it works :D