View Full Version : libcod

  1. Cmd_ExecuteString - execute /tell /say etc. from gsc
  2. libmysqlclient.so.18
  3. Libcod no mysql
  4. CoD 1 1.5 DLL Basic Stuff
  5. Smaller mappacks, less download
  6. CoD4 - MySQL problem
  7. libcod Player Collision
  8. [CoD4] Missing function
  9. libcod on Arch Linux
  10. Cod1 new ideas [help]
  11. Libcod CoD2 1.0
  12. Sending server commands to the clients
  13. Accept cracked players
  14. Libcod for windows
  15. [MDLL] CoD 1.5
  16. disable global collision
  17. Cod4 install libcod and make the mod
  18. [advanced] Find player's country-of-origin
  19. GetMyIP() [help]
  20. install libcode
  21. IWD check in download
  22. how to set-up libcod
  23. [Question] Astar (a*) and SetAlive functions
  24. mprotect regions made with dlopen
  25. Version 2014.03.08
  26. Script documentation
  27. function request makefunctionpointer(path, function)
  28. Added scandir / fopen / fread / fwrite / fclose
  29. libcod won't start
  30. Asynchronous mysql queries
  31. sprintf in libcod
  32. Can't run libcod
  33. cod2 libcod problems
  34. Windows SetAlive() doubts
  35. disableGlobalPlayerCollision() 1.3 problem
  36. Kicking bots
  37. install libcode_win
  38. setup libcod with server.sh
  39. Changing library path
  40. How to use libcod with Open Game Panel (OGP)
  41. [Tutorial] Translation engine
  42. CoD4: !commands
  43. Player Collision CoD UO
  44. Help me pls)))
  45. Where to start to build a foundation MYSQL for LIBCOD
  46. Somebody help me? All is not fully responsible!!!!
  47. Hello, monitoring the client without having to connect to the server!
  48. Give the latest version libcod (by Mitch) ;)
  49. [advanced] Ignoring text said by certain players
  50. [Advanced] Getting client binds
  51. Help libcod windows
  52. [Tutorial] How to create your own libcod function
  53. [Tutorial] Add libcod support for your cod version.
  54. [Tutorial] settext() without precaching
  55. Fix in printf, update for sprintf (need gsc code update)
  56. Add new function to libcod on windows
  57. My new sendCommand function with libcod (windows)
  58. Ingame live stats
  59. renaming
  60. sendgameservercommand and Cmd_ExecuteString docs
  61. call_function_raw(), BinaryBuffer functions, dlopen/dlsym/dlclose
  62. Get player console inputs
  63. Help me pls, RUN SeRVER ERORR
  64. FS_Loaddir, help module.
  65. Security update + merge with Mitch
  66. lib cod4
  67. Libcod error on Linux
  68. cod2 download data from mysql
  69. libcod Call Of Duty 1 1.5
  70. Weapon functions (+ setMoveSpeedScale)
  71. I am new. I want help for new cracked cod2 server
  72. GSC IsMantling
  73. cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS
  74. GSC GetArrayKeys
  75. Getting a client's real fps, realtime
  76. Changing bot pings.
  77. setStance() possible?
  78. Cannot see the problem.
  79. isTouching()
  80. cmd_executestring
  81. player setAnim(string);
  82. Store player informations with MySQL.
  83. GUID generator (sort of) for cracked server?
  84. Need guidance to make an extension for CoDUO
  85. playerMove(direction)
  86. Player movement & grenades.
  87. Libcod2 Linux -> Win
  88. When installing libcod, nothing works!
  89. Compiling format .so
  90. Adding functions to libcod made by others
  91. Obtaining PB Guid from client?
  92. sendGameServerCommand non ASCII caracters
  93. Libcod "hide" functions??
  94. /rcon commands with CodeCallback_PlayerCommand(args)
  95. disable chat of specific player
  96. IP range
  97. mysqllibcod
  98. Server lag [LIBCOD]
  99. Where are the libcod files located?
  100. No .so created
  101. reloadtime and firetime on a player
  102. Kick clients have ping: ZMBI
  103. Which is better?
  104. php/javascript libcod memory viewer
  105. String output for system()
  106. How to check amount of players in another server?
  107. Undefined symbol?
  108. Example use system (return string)
  109. fixChatArgs(args)
  110. SV_AuthorizeIpPacket: challenge not found
  111. How "precache" anim?
  112. CodeCallback_FireGrenade
  113. Setup mysql + cod2
  114. Compiling mysql on CENTOS
  115. Any interest in this?
  116. Compiling on CentOS
  117. COUNT > MYSQL
  118. auto ban fake clients
  119. ERROR: ld.so: object 'libcod2_1_3.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot ope
  120. Ratelimit patch [must apply]
  121. getLastGameStateSize()
  122. Plugin loaded but i can't use any function what include libcod (CoD4)
  123. libcod for windows
  124. libcod dont working
  125. Request - Fast download 1.0
  126. Check which .dll is running
  127. system & execute badly working
  128. libmysqlclient
  129. Control Panel Libcod
  130. How to install libcod on my server
  131. How to execute a simple php script ?
  132. Printf and OutBandprint no work :(
  133. see what is running on the client
  134. Lib error
  135. Install libcod on CoD 2 1.0
  136. CoD 2 1.0 Libcod Features
  137. Install Nanny (bot)
  138. Color codes support for printf
  139. How to do smaller mappacks (less download)
  140. libcod Documentation
  141. Do not crash on developer 2
  142. makeLocalizedString(string)
  143. sv_noauthorize
  144. Better late than never...
  145. Server crash
  146. Master List?
  147. [LIBCOD] NO-CRASH "setanim"
  148. Segmentation fault
  149. Some latest updates
  150. bulletHitEffect()
  151. setStance() for players
  152. [WIP] SQLite support for libcod
  153. InjectDLL error
  154. Cannot install libmysqlclient-dev
  155. Chat Headicon
  156. itemPickup (on/off)
  157. LIBCOD: q3dirtravfix & forcing allow downloading
  158. disable playercollision Voron's libcod
  159. libcod on ForeignLinux/arch
  160. [callback] RCON
  161. All possibilities for callback
  162. libcod callback's list
  163. Detect any button pressed by player
  164. Force player action
  165. How to run my Call of Duty 2 server using Libcod?
  166. Libcod
  167. Hook call vs hook function
  168. CoD4 libcod Segmentation fault
  169. Libcod cod2 ss
  170. libcod for WINDOWS with bot names
  171. Compile error: gsc_mysql.cpp:5:25: fatal error: mysql/mysql.h
  172. rcon extension
  173. Unmatched functions between CoD
  174. setAnim for clonePlayer()
  175. Compiling libcod_win
  176. Strange problem with libcod and meat bot
  177. Problem with manymaps
  178. Static model functions
  179. Executing rcon commands by server - from a gsc file - without execclientcommand
  180. Running cod2 on multiple cores
  181. Libcod causing stuck on a few maps
  182. Localized strings server side - is this possible - with libcod or without?
  183. Libcod server crash
  184. getstatus source ip
  185. [CoD1.1]Rcon commands from server process not outputting anything