View Full Version : libcod
- Cmd_ExecuteString - execute /tell /say etc. from gsc
- Libcod no mysql
- CoD 1 1.5 DLL Basic Stuff
- Smaller mappacks, less download
- CoD4 - MySQL problem
- libcod Player Collision
- [CoD4] Missing function
- libcod on Arch Linux
- Cod1 new ideas [help]
- Libcod CoD2 1.0
- Sending server commands to the clients
- Accept cracked players
- Libcod for windows
- [MDLL] CoD 1.5
- disable global collision
- Cod4 install libcod and make the mod
- [advanced] Find player's country-of-origin
- GetMyIP() [help]
- install libcode
- IWD check in download
- how to set-up libcod
- [Question] Astar (a*) and SetAlive functions
- mprotect regions made with dlopen
- Version 2014.03.08
- Script documentation
- function request makefunctionpointer(path, function)
- Added scandir / fopen / fread / fwrite / fclose
- libcod won't start
- Asynchronous mysql queries
- sprintf in libcod
- Can't run libcod
- cod2 libcod problems
- Windows SetAlive() doubts
- disableGlobalPlayerCollision() 1.3 problem
- Kicking bots
- install libcode_win
- setup libcod with
- Changing library path
- How to use libcod with Open Game Panel (OGP)
- [Tutorial] Translation engine
- CoD4: !commands
- Player Collision CoD UO
- Help me pls)))
- Where to start to build a foundation MYSQL for LIBCOD
- Somebody help me? All is not fully responsible!!!!
- Hello, monitoring the client without having to connect to the server!
- Give the latest version libcod (by Mitch) ;)
- [advanced] Ignoring text said by certain players
- [Advanced] Getting client binds
- Help libcod windows
- [Tutorial] How to create your own libcod function
- [Tutorial] Add libcod support for your cod version.
- [Tutorial] settext() without precaching
- Fix in printf, update for sprintf (need gsc code update)
- Add new function to libcod on windows
- My new sendCommand function with libcod (windows)
- Ingame live stats
- renaming
- sendgameservercommand and Cmd_ExecuteString docs
- call_function_raw(), BinaryBuffer functions, dlopen/dlsym/dlclose
- Get player console inputs
- Help me pls, RUN SeRVER ERORR
- FS_Loaddir, help module.
- Security update + merge with Mitch
- lib cod4
- Libcod error on Linux
- cod2 download data from mysql
- libcod Call Of Duty 1 1.5
- Weapon functions (+ setMoveSpeedScale)
- I am new. I want help for new cracked cod2 server
- GSC IsMantling
- GSC GetArrayKeys
- Getting a client's real fps, realtime
- Changing bot pings.
- setStance() possible?
- Cannot see the problem.
- isTouching()
- cmd_executestring
- player setAnim(string);
- Store player informations with MySQL.
- GUID generator (sort of) for cracked server?
- Need guidance to make an extension for CoDUO
- playerMove(direction)
- Player movement & grenades.
- Libcod2 Linux -> Win
- When installing libcod, nothing works!
- Compiling format .so
- Adding functions to libcod made by others
- Obtaining PB Guid from client?
- sendGameServerCommand non ASCII caracters
- Libcod "hide" functions??
- /rcon commands with CodeCallback_PlayerCommand(args)
- disable chat of specific player
- IP range
- mysqllibcod
- Server lag [LIBCOD]
- Where are the libcod files located?
- No .so created
- reloadtime and firetime on a player
- Kick clients have ping: ZMBI
- Which is better?
- php/javascript libcod memory viewer
- String output for system()
- How to check amount of players in another server?
- Undefined symbol?
- Example use system (return string)
- fixChatArgs(args)
- SV_AuthorizeIpPacket: challenge not found
- How "precache" anim?
- CodeCallback_FireGrenade
- Setup mysql + cod2
- Compiling mysql on CENTOS
- Any interest in this?
- Compiling on CentOS
- auto ban fake clients
- ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot ope
- Ratelimit patch [must apply]
- getLastGameStateSize()
- Plugin loaded but i can't use any function what include libcod (CoD4)
- libcod for windows
- libcod dont working
- Request - Fast download 1.0
- Check which .dll is running
- system & execute badly working
- libmysqlclient
- Control Panel Libcod
- How to install libcod on my server
- How to execute a simple php script ?
- Printf and OutBandprint no work :(
- see what is running on the client
- Lib error
- Install libcod on CoD 2 1.0
- CoD 2 1.0 Libcod Features
- Install Nanny (bot)
- Color codes support for printf
- How to do smaller mappacks (less download)
- libcod Documentation
- Do not crash on developer 2
- makeLocalizedString(string)
- sv_noauthorize
- Better late than never...
- Server crash
- Master List?
- [LIBCOD] NO-CRASH "setanim"
- Segmentation fault
- Some latest updates
- bulletHitEffect()
- setStance() for players
- [WIP] SQLite support for libcod
- InjectDLL error
- Cannot install libmysqlclient-dev
- Chat Headicon
- itemPickup (on/off)
- LIBCOD: q3dirtravfix & forcing allow downloading
- disable playercollision Voron's libcod
- libcod on ForeignLinux/arch
- [callback] RCON
- All possibilities for callback
- libcod callback's list
- Detect any button pressed by player
- Force player action
- How to run my Call of Duty 2 server using Libcod?
- Libcod
- Hook call vs hook function
- CoD4 libcod Segmentation fault
- Libcod cod2 ss
- libcod for WINDOWS with bot names
- Compile error: gsc_mysql.cpp:5:25: fatal error: mysql/mysql.h
- rcon extension
- Unmatched functions between CoD
- setAnim for clonePlayer()
- Compiling libcod_win
- Strange problem with libcod and meat bot
- Problem with manymaps
- Static model functions
- Executing rcon commands by server - from a gsc file - without execclientcommand
- Running cod2 on multiple cores
- Libcod causing stuck on a few maps
- Localized strings server side - is this possible - with libcod or without?
- Libcod server crash
- getstatus source ip
- [CoD1.1]Rcon commands from server process not outputting anything
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