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  1. [Tutorial][Work in progress] Hud elements (19 replies)
  2. Huds script error (5 replies)
  3. isThrowingGrenade function (4 replies)
  4. AssertMsg (12 replies)
  5. Klllstreaks (11 replies)
  6. TestClients (21 replies)
  7. !nextmap,!time.. (11 replies)
  8. Non Collision (9 replies)
  9. Rotation issue (13 replies)
  10. Ranking-when you shot somebody you got some xp (23 replies)
  11. IZNOGOD. (4 replies)
  12. Flash + c4 (3 replies)
  13. Middle Mouse Button (2 replies)
  14. climbing mod. (1 replies)
  15. Call of Duty 2 Compass Script (7 replies)
  16. Money script+Hud. (8 replies)
  17. CoD4 - openfile (13 replies)
  18. player model (14 replies)
  19. Need some help :) (3 replies)
  20. Regular expressions (2 replies)
  21. Compile tools dont create all files for iwd! (16 replies)
  22. Check every scripdata file (2 replies)
  23. Undefinied is not an object: trig waittill ("trigger"); ? Error (3 replies)
  24. how block cod2 commands? (14 replies)
  25. [HowTo] Enable Cod-Support on ST (4 replies)
  26. Server-Extension for Linux CoD2 1.2 / 1.3 and CoD4 1.7 Source/Binaries (5 replies)
  27. Leaning detect (5 replies)
  28. Playing a FX with a use_Touch_trigger in a map (6 replies)
  29. exp progress bar (2 replies)
  30. Connect players to other server. (3 replies)
  31. How edit script turret? (8 replies)
  32. Kill/Shoot Bot (9 replies)
  33. Change renamer: Error! (2 replies)
  34. best player map (28 replies)
  35. time hud (1 replies)
  36. Press F didn't work (10 replies)
  37. top5 players in voice commands (6 replies)
  38. menu problem callbacksetup (2 replies)
  39. Camera origin (10 replies)
  40. Check if player has a specific menu open (3 replies)
  41. How to check axis on server? (1 replies)
  42. Script should work (2 replies)
  43. !nextmap command (5 replies)
  44. Connecting and wait (1 replies)
  45. new weapon script (3 replies)
  46. Player can't move for secounds (18 replies)
  47. [MySQL] Insert top 11 players for cp, fps, recordtype into another table (1 replies)
  48. change gravity on pistol (7 replies)
  49. moveOverTime with deceleration time? (4 replies)
  50. Set error message on menu (1 replies)
  51. Iis entity inside block built with vector points (6 replies)
  52. dvar functions? (19 replies)
  53. plant an arrow at bulletimpact (2 replies)
  54. fov (13 replies)
  55. How to delete weapons in map? (3 replies)
  56. Random scripting (3 replies)
  57. How i can make play a FX? (3 replies)
  58. setmodel (15 replies)
  59. Video (1 replies)
  60. Few questions (5 replies)
  61. double vote , End Map Vote Standalone (5 replies)
  62. rcon command in menu (3 replies)
  63. rcon login in playerconnect (5 replies)
  64. weapon allow (2 replies)
  65. CoD2 script error (3 replies)
  66. script error :( (6 replies)
  67. .menu issues (0 replies)
  68. name , client id in menu (45 replies)
  69. How to add 2 fx in 1 action? (2 replies)
  70. help with xmodel (2 replies)
  71. rotate text in .menu (5 replies)
  72. mY Account System :) (7 replies)
  73. Rename bots by script (7 replies)
  74. Menu EXP by Inivctus (7 replies)
  75. CoD2 Recoil (2 replies)
  76. dvar (8 replies)
  77. How to reduce the viewing angle? (6 replies)
  78. Rename (11 replies)
  79. How change position show fps "cg_drawFps" ? (6 replies)
  80. Save Stats !! (8 replies)
  81. Shader + Text/value (5 replies)
  82. how to precache menu (4 replies)
  83. scripting codes (7 replies)
  84. My menu mod :) (1 replies)
  85. BulletTrace to a predetermined length. (3 replies)
  86. save script error (15 replies)
  87. killstreak (3 replies)
  88. break ; illegal break statement (6 replies)
  89. turret (1 replies)
  90. ammopack (10 replies)
  91. status icon (4 replies)
  92. I want learn how make script for system ranking CoD2 (that auto save) (7 replies)
  93. emp scrpt (4 replies)
  94. Localized string not precached. (8 replies)
  95. Teleport player on trigger (8 replies)
  96. Load data from scriptdata files (1 replies)
  97. Shortening nick player (16 replies)
  98. Bad token (7 replies)
  99. admin panel bashmode (3 replies)
  100. Bash mode (3 replies)
  101. CoD2 Scripts in CoD4 / Interoperatiliby (0 replies)
  102. hud elem font (4 replies)
  103. Disabling damage if player uses wrong weapon (4 replies)
  104. Spawn "box" (7 replies)
  105. [scriptdump] Script-based teleporters (0 replies)
  106. Illegal localized string reference (8 replies)
  107. Save Player's Names to File (17 replies)
  108. Map Vote (Need script) (9 replies)
  109. Spawn on map (Toujane) (6 replies)
  110. vote script (2 replies)
  111. Custom Call Vote (10 replies)
  112. Lasers (SCRIPT) (22 replies)
  113. killed runners (3 replies)
  114. console corresponds player (2 replies)
  115. rcon log script (1 replies)
  116. Time played (19 replies)
  117. dubble points (8 replies)
  118. Baricade (2 replies)
  119. IP address (10 replies)
  120. attacker guid script (14 replies)
  121. Changing FOV in CoD2 (13 replies)
  122. Record scirpt (7 replies)
  123. plusscore (11 replies)
  124. Hud "overlay_low_health" (5 replies)
  125. Wallhack on cheatsenabled server (3 replies)
  126. 2 Questions (12 replies)
  127. Add test clients (6 replies)
  128. Bigger Text on Weapon Menu (2 replies)
  129. logo destroy (2 replies)
  130. Script error (S&D) (3 replies)
  131. Zom.Gsc (8 replies)
  132. Xp back to 0 after promotion why ? (4 replies)
  133. Stun player (2 replies)
  134. Player HUD On Crosshair (17 replies)
  135. Problem with RadiusDamage ,does not show that I kill the enemy... (4 replies)
  136. Spray (flat model) (11 replies)
  137. Revival of the few zombie during the reboot. (19 replies)
  138. How i script some Killstrikes (4 replies)
  139. Scripting FAQ [read this first!] (0 replies)
  140. File handling (39 replies)
  141. ERROR: SP_worldspawn: The first entity isn't 'worldspawn' (9 replies)
  142. anyInt function exists? (4 replies)
  143. Get grenade ammo (3 replies)
  144. Mod Question?! (4 replies)
  145. Write Code (script) (3 replies)
  146. Lost Helmet problem (10 replies)
  147. Need Help Error (1 replies)
  148. Script Error (2 replies)
  149. random kill (3 replies)
  150. Sound played at the outbreak. (2 replies)
  151. The problem with arrays... (4 replies)
  152. Custom headicon problems (12 replies)
  153. Hide and Seek cod2 (4 replies)
  154. Script Error (3 replies)
  155. How to make a AntiCamperMod For SD (8 replies)
  156. Release - COD2 Player Events (3 replies)
  157. Fix Polygon Vertexorder (7 replies)
  158. Remove fall damage sound? (1 replies)
  159. [Tutorial] Time Left Script (7 replies)
  160. how to stop sound? (21 replies)
  161. Jet pack (5 replies)
  162. Files for extended Server + Random-Scripts like sliding mapvote on Deathrun (22 replies)
  163. Prestige (4 replies)
  164. Mysql in cod2 query question (6 replies)
  165. Triggers place... (7 replies)
  166. trigger (1 replies)
  167. looping (2 replies)
  168. press f (2 replies)
  169. Player won't die?! (7 replies)
  170. [KILLTUBE.ORG TUT] How to create a Welcome Message via GuidScript (8 replies)
  171. Help with hudelement for rank-system (9 replies)
  172. Quick questions thread (34 replies)
  173. Weapon help! (5 replies)
  174. No ammo at playerspawn (4 replies)
  175. Plus score (7 replies)
  176. Little Question :> (1 replies)
  177. Disappearing text? (2 replies)
  178. Accessing Entity-Keys in CODscript (2 replies)
  179. Count the numbers of symbols etc in a name (8 replies)
  180. destruction model (5 replies)
  181. 2 weapon problems (15 replies)
  182. Hidden Scripts (5 replies)
  183. Tutorials Math/Vectors (3 replies)
  184. HUD not working (4 replies)
  185. Need help, Noob is failing with script.. (6 replies)
  186. Name Script (6 replies)
  187. Weapon reloads in scripts (17 replies)
  188. Printbold help needed! (3 replies)
  189. Rebuilding the CoD4MoD (2 replies)
  190. [CoD2] isArray(var) (4 replies)
  191. Built-In Scriptdebugger (0 replies)
  192. Teddy´s in a map (2 replies)
  193. Checking how sound is played at a time (2 replies)
  194. [advanced] One menu-item for both the allies and axis zombieshop (0 replies)
  195. [advanced] movegravity() and movement vectors (2 replies)
  196. Bullettrace and you (0 replies)
  197. [Tut-Request] Jump-Pad (28 replies)
  198. Revival of the close of the team hunters. (4 replies)
  199. Checking slots smoke grenades and fragmentation. (10 replies)
  200. How to make weapons buyable off walls/money scripts (5 replies)