Quote Originally Posted by kung foo man View Post
I sentimentalized over MOHAA with some Google Image screenshots yesterday, visited some pages and looking through some old mods, then suddenly statsgen2 spiked into my view on some old Mod download site:

Dunno if you found that already, but it has two .db files (both some Mega Bytes) in it and even some old MOHAA .log files (14MB), so I guess the uploader just zipped a running copy (which is good to recover some data). The .db files should contain the whole MySQL database layout, though it should also be regenerateable by the statsgen2.exe, Notepad++ found many interesting strings in the binary:

CREATE TABLE location(idx integer,id string (32),realname string (100),image string (150))
CREATE TABLE SkillWeights(key string,weight float,realname string,image string)
I'm actually not sure how I found this site, was just an left open tab from last evening, so maybe I even found the link in your post and you had all files in there already, no clue, just posting, maybe it helps. ^^
Same stuff is inside the .db if you open it with an sqlite viewer

was thinking about the possibility of porting this to mysql in native codscript, but motivation is a bit meh